Autumn of Agile Screencast Series
Welcome to the homepage for the Autumn of Agile screencast video series.
The purpose of this site is to provide one-stop easy access to direct downloads of the screencasts. If you have feedback, comments, questions, etc. please visit my blog and post them there.
The opinions and viewpoints expressed in these screencasts are not necessarily those of Microdesk or its employees. These screencasts are produced by Stephen A. Bohlen who is solely responsible for their content.
To view these screencasts, you will first need to download and install the Techsmith Camtasia Codec on your computer.
Also available: Summer of NHibernate
If you enjoy this screencast series, take note of the Summer of NHibernate series where we dive deep into the fundamentals of the use of the popular open-source Object-Relational Mapping framework for .NET over the course of a 15-part screencast series of demo coding sessions coupled with lightweight Powerpoint presentations of the concepts we address.